At AMA Services Ltd, we are constantly working on new projects both inside and outside of the work place. We believe that we have the ability to not only assist our customers but also the local community.

Climate & Refrigeration Fair
Our Founder and Project Coordinator, Adrian and Jesus, attended Madrid’s Climate & Refrigeration Fair 2023. The event showcased new climate and refrigeration technologies.

2nd Corporate Fun Day
Our 2nd Corporate Hockey Funday hosted new and returning companies to raise money for The EV Foundation Trust. Raising a fantastic £1,500!

Launch of Sister Company -
The newest of our sister companies. Nivogen expanded our services across the boarder. Providing our expertise and knowledge to clients in Spain.​

Launch of Sister Company -
The apparent demand of our Sustainable Department also found a need for sustainable solutions and technologies, for this reason HNECO was created.

Launch of Sister Company -
Following the rising demand of our Sustainable Department's services, we decided the best course of action was to create a specialised sister company.

Naked Energy, Virtu Display
Thinking about investing in solar panels? The Virtu display tube has arrived, meaning you can come in and have a look at these beautiful tubes before purchasing.

OTWO Mag - 8th Article
Our services were the highlight of December's OTWO Magazine article. To find out more our our services, head to our Services page.

Corporate Hockey Fun Day
We hosted our first ever corporate fundraiser, where local firms participated in an afternoon of hockey matches to raise money for GBC Open Day. It was a total success and we raised £1,416.

OTWO Mag - 7th Article
November's OTWO article delved into our directors, how the company came to be and the visions for the future of AMA Services.

First Hydraloop in Gibraltar
Gibraltar’s first Hydralopp greywater recycling system is to be installed in the new Elderly Care Home. The Hydraloop cascade will collect over 6000 litres a day and reuse the water where possible.

Energy Efficiency Award
We are proud to announce that we were awarded the 'Energy Efficiency Award' at the 4th Gibraltar Sustainable Awards and would like to thank the Nautilus Project for hosting a great awards ceremony.

Gibraltar Sustainable Awards
We are honoured to have been announced as 1 of the finalists for the 4th Annual Gibraltar Sustainable Awards, held by the Nautilus Project. The winner will be announced at 7:30pm, 5th Oct.
OTWO Mag - 6th Article
October's OTWO feature focused on our Sustainable reports. ​The article explains how we carry out our reports, whilst also describing the reasoning behind them.

Eco Festival
This year's Eco Festival was our first ever sustainable event. We were able to showcase our companies studies, projects and partners to a group of like minded individuals in a fun filled way.
OTWO Mag - 5th Article
September's publication introduced and delved into the Engineering division of our company, which is comprised of Jesus, Irene, Aurora, Daniel, and Ismael.

OTWO Mag - 4th Article
August's publication was centred around Naked energy and their solar technology, the VirtuHOT and VirtuPVT. Highlighting the impressive and unique nature of the products.

Eco Festival
We're excited to announce our participation and sponsorship for Gibraltar's first Eco Festival! Hosted on the 24th September our company will be attending with a marquee.

OTWO Mag - 3rd Article
July's OTWO article focused on our employees within the Sustainability Department, Viktorija Lenia, Liam Perera, and Candice Marsh, as we dove into their roles within the company.

Joining Tree Nation
Aside from our efforts to reduce our company's carbon footprint, we joined the Tree Nation family to capture carbon. Planting 53 trees within our first month.
OTWO Mag - 2nd Article
Our June article in the OTWO Magazine focuses on the Hydroloop product, expressing its importance and influence in grey water recycling.

OTWO Mag - 1st Article
Over the next 12 months AMA will have a place in the OTWO magazine. Our first article focuses on why and how climate change can be combatted in the building industry.

HYDRALOOP Partnership
With less than 1% of the world water supply available to us, we understand the importance of water consumption. Thus, partnering up with Hydraloop to sell their grey water recycling products.

NAKED ENERGY Partnership
Determined to find innovative solutions to lower energy consumption in buildings we partnered up with Naked Energy, selling their next generation solar technology - Virtu.

New Logo
To reflect our growing interest in finding sustainable building solutions locally we are proud to present our new company logo, which better encompasses our aims and beliefs in a modern way.